Massive 9.2 has improved USD export, dynamics improvements, agent placement improvements, and lots of bug fixes.
Generator height parameter
Previously, the height paramater of Generators moved locators along the terrain normal. On rough terrain this could cause locators to cross over each other as the height parameter was increased. To avoid this, the height parameter now moves locators along the generator "up" vector.

Polygon Generators on vertical terrain
The Polygon Generator was originally intended to be projected downwards onto the terrain geometry. But now it can be used on surfaces of any angle, even upside down.
Render agent skeletons in Arnold
A new option in the render settings renders all agents as segments in Arnold. This is useful for creating high quality videos of agents that don't yet have geometry, or simply to render the agents as they appear in the viewport.

Dynamics improvements
Smart Stunts now follow agent actions much more accurately and are more stable than before.
New brain outputs have been added to allow for better control of rigid body dynamics.
Several improvements have been made to make dynamics in Massive even simpler to set up, and to give better results with default settings.
USD export improvements
Massive's USD export is proving to be very useful in production for getting Massive simulations into other software such as Katana, Houdini, Maya etc. Massive 9.2 includes several improvements in USD suppport.
Arnold 7.3
Massive now supports Arnold
RenderMan 26.3
Massive now supports Pixar's RenderMan 26.3.
V-Ray 6
Massive now supports V-Ray 6.