Massive 9.1 has improved rendering support and lots of bug fixes. Massive now supports cryptomatte output, and rendering of deep exr images. Cryptomattes can be rendered separately or into the final image files. Along with support for RenderMan 24, Massive now also supports OSL shaders. These features and improvements to Massive's USD export make it even easier to integrate Massive into state of the art VFX rendering and compositing pipelines.
Cryptomatte output
Massive renders can now output cryptomatte images from Arnold, RenderMan and V-Ray. Three types of cryptomatte images are generated: agent, geometry and material. The agent cryptomattes have ID's per agent, the geometry cryptomattes have ID's per geometry node, and material cryptomattes have ID's per metarial node.

Deep EXR
Massive can now render to deep EXR files using Arnold, RenderMan and V-Ray. Deep EXR files are particularly useful for compositing.
RenderMan OSL
Most of the shaders provided with RenderMan 24 are now OSL shaders. Massive can now work with OSL shders in the shader page. This works with the shaders provided with RenderMan and with custom OSL shaders. Since OSL shaders contain more meta data than previous shaders, there are now more appropriate ranges and tool tips for shader parameters.
Arnold skydome lights
Previously, ambient lights in Massive were ignored in Arnold renders. Now Massive ambient lights automatically become skydome lights in Arnold renders.
"id" can be used in agent variable expressions
The agent ID can now be referenced in agent variable and group variable expressions.
USD export improvements
Massive's USD export is proving to be very useful in production for getting Massive simulations into other software such as Katana, Houdini, Maya etc. Massive 9.1 includes several improvements in USD suppport.
Arnold 7
Massive now supports Arnold
RenderMan 24.4
Massive now supports Pixar's RenderMan 24.4.
V-Ray 6
Massive now supports V-Ray 6.